WOW!! I have been out of the blog world for a few months. Sorry to anyone who reads this. I've been busy working full time! I was offered a promotion at American State Bank not long after I started and am now the commercial teller. Anywho enough about me my husband also got a new job at Nabors. We both have been busy working working.....story of our lives. Woohooo the TEXAS RANGERS MADE IT TO THE WORLD SERIES!! HOW AMAZING! Sorry I know that was a lil random!! Ummm lets see what else.....I would really like to move back to lubbock! I need to get on a diet!!! I've been so bad! Why is it so hard to be healthy?? Maybe it isn't but for me I've always struggled with my weight! I'm really going to try and be better at watching what I eat! I hope it works this time, I feel like thats all I keep telling myself that I'm not goin to eat bad but for some reason idk why its not happening!!:( My husband and I went and visited with a very good friends of ours at the beginning of this month in Hobbs NM!! We had a blast although I was trying to get over my sinus infection at the time! We went to the horse races and the casino!! I'm not a big gambler but I had an amazing time at the horse races. We bet on a few races and won about 3!! We win a grand total of 60!!! Hmmmm.......what else has been going on?????????? I can't believe BEnbito and I will be married a WHOLE year GOD willing in about a week! Its crazy how time flies when you're having fun! We were goin to go to San Antonio but since Benito switched jobs we wont be able to go anywhere but as long as we get to spend our day together thats all that matters! We're belssed and as long as we have eachother it will be special!! Well I just thought I would post since its been a awhile! I can't belive its going to be a whole other year that has passed us by. Halloween is in a couple of days and I want to dress up and go out but I have no costume! It seemed har to find a costume this year! Who knows what I'll be! Have a lovely and fun Halloween!! Here are a gew pics from NM!